All content tagged with Integrated Mobility.
The World Resources Institute (WRI) spent six years investigating economic, demographic, and resource challenges and how t...
The Future Mobility Calculator (FMC) is an Excel-based tool that helps cities make informed decisions about the future of their...
The Costs and Benefits Appraisal Tool for Transit Buses is an appraisal tool that aims to provide bus operators and city offici...
This session is the fourth and final session in a four-part workshop series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Tran...
This workshop is the second session in a four-part series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented Devel...
This session is the third in a four-part workshop series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented D...
This workshop is first in a four-part series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented Development (...
This note has been prepared by WRI India as part of the assignment: “Integration of Road Safety Considerations in Transit-Orien...
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) focuses on the integration of systems for active transport users, public transit users, and ...
The coronavirus pandemic has brought into sharp focus many underlying economic and social fragilities in urban areas. This kind...
We all know how first and last mile connectivity can be a hindrance for the seamless usage of a perfect public transportation s...
India is witnessing significant growth in the e-mobility and renewable energy sectors. Batteries are an integral part of these ...
To encourage mass adoption of electric mobility in Indian cities and see the expected positive impacts, it is very important to...
With electric mobility emerging as one of the most prominent measures to tackle climate change, it is important to keep in mind...
Although there have been many efforts to promote electrification of transport in India, there are still major anxieties th...
India is moving rapidly towards cleaner transportation with the growth in electric mobility. The Government has introduced suit...
India is moving rapidly towards cleaner transportation with the growth in electric mobility. The Indian government has introduc...
The transport sector is the largest user of oil and second largest source of CO2 emissions world-wide. The Indian transportatio...
El regreso a clases en las ciudades mexicanas genera una percepción de caos vial, pero en la realidad, la falta de seguridad vi...
Road safety is a global concern, as more than 1.35 million people are killed on roads each year. As part of its road safety pro...
El Banco Mundial y el WRI México organizan para Latinoamérica el curso de capacitación “Construyendo Líderes en Plan...
Este taller permite conocer los elementos que componen un sistema de movilidad segura, para fomentar su incorporación en la pla...
Los usuarios del transporte público requieren información confiable para poder optimizar sus viajes urbanos. La tecnología ha a...
El rápido crecimiento de las empresas privadas de redes de transporte que ofrecen diferentes servicios de movilidad, como taxis...
La movilidad urbana se ha visto alimentada en los últimos años por modos no motorizados como la bicicleta, a través de los sist...
This webinar will explain some principal components of business models that enable adoption of electric buses in public transpo...
An interactive, public platform for reliable and current data about high performance bus systems in over 200 cities worldwide. ...
Las ciudades se están convirtiendo en lugares hostiles, inseguros y contaminados que impiden el sano desarrollo y movilidad de ...
Indian cities are growing at a phenomenal rate. Urbanization is expected to go from 33% to well beyond 40% in the next decade a...
Los desplazamientos para estudiar y trabajar representan la mayor parte de los viajes diarios. Por lo tanto, tanto el sector pú...
Sin duda alguna, hoy en día existen y se continúan haciendo una gran cantidad de estudios de origen destino levantados a través...
En México, en los últimos años, ha habido un auge en la realización de estudios que permiten una mejor planeación de la movilid...
En este segundo módulo, dos empresas especializadas en la realización de estas encuestas nos presentan sus experiencias, metodo...
From 30 July to 3 August 2018, WRI India will host a webinar series on “Transforming Mobility – Challenges and...
El objetivo del webinar es presentar los diferentes modelos de incentivos presentes en algunos sistemas de transportes de Améri...
Las calles son espacios públicos urbanos vitales y proveen la oportunidad para la convivencia entre las personas que las utiliz...
Actualmente los sistemas de transporte presentan una inestabilidad a largo plazo por problemas económicos, donde los gastos son...
Aunque las ciudades de todo el mundo ya utilizan autobuses eléctricos, las ciudades brasileñas todavía tienen un largo camino p...
This interactive workshop familiarizes participants with the principles of safe access to and around mass transit stations, as ...
Bu eğitim, paydaş katılımı, politika geliştirme ve bisikletli ulaşım altyapısı unsurlarını dikkate almakta, yerel yönetimlerde ...
The Safe Access Manual offers strategies, case studies, and guidelines for enabling safe access to mass transit stations in Ind...
Bu kılavuz üç konuyu ele alır: (1) kent içinde bisiklet kullanımının faydaları; (2) bisiklet altyapısı ile kullanıcı tercihleri...
The knowledge hub provides information on global practices in implementing low emission zone and congestion charging (LEZ/CC) a...
This manual examines three main topics: (1) the benefits of urban cycling; (2) governance of cycling infrastructure and user pr...
Explore the Collection This resource is part of a suite of learning products linked with the following publication. PUBLICATION...