Online Course
June 21, 2023
Author: wri
Course Length: 1 hour

Seven Transformations for More Equitable and Sustainable Cities

June 21, 2023

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The World Resources Institute (WRI) spent six years investigating economic, demographic, and resource challenges and how they widen gaps in urban services. We then synthesized a large body of evidence on how providing equitable access to urban services and opportunities—land, housing, transport, energy, water, sanitation, and secure employment—can lead to more economically prosperous and environmentally sustainable cities for all. 

WRI identified critical conditions that trigger, enable, or inhibit positive change at the city level. We also identified seven transformative ideas to help make a city more equitable and sustainable. 

This course will discuss the highlights of each transformation and provide case examples.

Click below to watch a short video about the Urban Services Divide.

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