All content tagged with Livable Neighborhoods.
The session aims to create synergy between the Southeast Asia Air Quality Community of Practice (SEA-CoP) and the Clean Air Cat...
The second stage of the Air Quality Community of Practice of Latin American and African cities as part of the CanAIRy Alert pro...
La tercera y útlima sesión técnica de la segunda etapa de la Comunidad de Práctica de #CalidadDelAire de ciudades de Latinoamér...
This set of cases highlights the work of the REHOUSE (Resilient, Equitable Housing, Opportunities & Urban Services) partner...
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O World Resources Institute (WRI) passou seis anos a investigar os desafios económicos, demográficos e de recursos e a forma co...
The World Resources Institute (WRI) spent six years investigating economic, demographic, and resource challenges and how t...
This session is the fourth and final session in a four-part workshop series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Tran...
This workshop is the second session in a four-part series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented Devel...
This session is the third in a four-part workshop series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented D...
This workshop is first in a four-part series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented Development (...
This note has been prepared by WRI India as part of the assignment: “Integration of Road Safety Considerations in Transit-Orien...
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) focuses on the integration of systems for active transport users, public transit users, and ...
The coronavirus pandemic has brought into sharp focus many underlying economic and social fragilities in urban areas. This kind...
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) that strategically conserve or restore nature to support conventionally built infrastructure syste...
The TOD Resource is an interactive website that brings together resources developed by the WRI family around the world as well ...
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is already established as one of the main urban planning strategies for compact growth. Howe...
The use of transit-oriented development (TOD) as an urban growth strategy is relatively new in India. Translating policy to act...
This webinar will focus on how to attain transit-oriented development (TOD), keeping in view the geographical context. The sess...
Indian cities are growing at a phenomenal rate. Urbanization is expected to go from 33% to well beyond 40% in the next decade a...
This interactive workshop familiarizes participants with the principles of safe access to and around mass transit stations, as ...
The Safe Access Manual offers strategies, case studies, and guidelines for enabling safe access to mass transit stations in Ind...
Presentations, expert talks, and workshops This training empowers city officials to better understand, manage and plan for clim...
El taller de Desarrollo Orientado al Transporte Sustentable (DOTS) es una plataforma que permite discutir, aprender y solventar...
Building on the transit-oriented development approach, this manual contains 28 concrete recommendations for designing more incl...
La guía describe 28 recomendaciones concretas de diseño urbano basadas tanto en estándares internacionales de desarrollo susten...