Successful Efforts led by REHOUSE Partners

successful efforts led by rehouse partners

This set of cases highlights the work of the REHOUSE (Resilient, Equitable Housing, Opportunities & Urban Services) partnership and other organizations that show the REHOUSE shared principles in practice. 

REHOUSE is a strategic partnership between WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, BRAC, Slum Dwellers International, Mahila Housing Trust, Habitat for Humanity International, and Build Change. The newly formed partnership aims to bring climate-resilient urban housing and services in informal settlements to the forefront of the political, development, and climate agendas and accelerate global, national, and local climate action.  

This resource serves as a repository for examples of innovative climate-resilient housing solutions, participatory community development, and multi-level governance, highlighting the transformative impact of delivering infrastructure in affordable and low-carbon ways while making poor urban households and communities more climate-resilient.