A Trip Reduction Ordinance (TRO) is a type of Travel Demand Management law in a city, state, or country that requires certain organizations to develop Workplace Travel Plans to reduce the number of trips or promote more sustainable travel patterns among employees in their commute to work.
An organization is any employer or development complex, public or private, that generates daily commuting trips. For example, it could be a public building, office complex, industry, shopping center, university, school, hospital, or company.
A Workplace Travel Plan is a package of coordinated actions defined and developed by an organization that spells out goals and how the organization will foster a more sustainable and efficient commute among its employees. It can be directly linked to a TRO or be developed spontaneously by the organization.
In this unit you will learn the practical steps to developing a Trip Reduction Ordinance and options for Workplace Travel Plans.
For an overview of reducing the demand for urban vehicle trips, see the unit:
Reducing Demand for Vehicle Trips in Cities
That unit describes: