Part of: Reducing Demand for Vehicle Trips in Cities

Managing Demand for Urban Trips


Another idea is to manage the demand โ€“ the number of  trips generated daily. 

Transport Demand Management (TDM) is a way to reduce the number of trips, alter the time that a trip occurs, or eliminate the necessity for the trip. It also aims to optimize single-occupancy vehicle trips and foster more sustainable choices, thus increasing transport system equity and affordability.

  • Vehicles with one driver are discouraged and vehicles with multiple occupants encouraged. 
  • Using public transportation is encouraged.
  • Active methods of transportation like cycling and walking are encouraged.
  • Patterns of easing traffic congestion and keeping polluting vehicles away from certain areas are encouraged.

Such policies are gaining momentum, since they spread peak hour trips, relieving public transport occupancy-agglomeration.

TDM strategies are less expensive and quick to implement โ€” and can have measurable impacts in the short term.

TDM strategies can help improve urban mobility in a fast and cheap way. Photo by Joana Oliveira / WRI Brasil.