Equitable Transportation and Accessible Neighborhoods
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Cities are investing millions of dollars in creating mass transit but unable to achieve their full potential due the poor first and last mile connectivity leading to unsafe access to transit systems.
This webinar takes an experiential approach to address this issue through the utilization of a tool for community engagement and decision making. It focuses on creating an effective public engagement tool to develop ‘people centric’ station areas. It aims to educate the attendees regarding the need for safe access to the mass transit systems like BRT and Metro, and to derive actionable strategies around Station area (a 500 – 750 m radius area around the transit station).
This resource is part of a suite of learning products linked with the following publication.
The Safe Access Manual offers strategies, case studies, and guidelines for enabling safe access to mass transit stations in Indian cities. The manual aims to serve as a guide to planners and authorities while building mass transit infrastructure so that our cities can be safer by design.