
What Makes a Good Climate Action Plan?


Good climate action planning is:

Ambitious: Setting goals and implementing actions that evolve iteratively towards an ambitious vision. 
Inclusive: Involving multiple city government departments, stakeholders, and communities (with particular attention to marginalized groups) in all phases of planning and implementation.
Fair: Seeking solutions that equitably address the risks of climate change and share the costs and benefits of action across the city. 
Comprehensive and integrated: Coherently undertaking adaptation and mitigation actions across a range of sectors within the city, as well as supporting broader regional initiatives and priorities of higher levels of government when possible and appropriate.
 Relevant: Delivering local benefits and supporting local development priorities. 
Actionable: Proposing cost effective actions that can reasonably be implemented by the actors involved given local mandates, finances, and capacities
Evidence-based: Reflecting scientific knowledge and local understanding, and using assessments of vulnerability and emissions and other empirical inputs to inform decision making.
Transparent and verifiable: Following an open decision-making process and setting goals that can be measured, reported, independently verified, and evaluated.

Source: UN Habitat, 2015