Part of: Design Principles of Cycling [Draft Version]

Principle 5: How to Design Shared Streets?


Shared streets are spaces where all modes of transport are given equal priority; pedestrians, cyclists, and other local residents share the right-of-way and travel together.

It is best for shared streets to be located on streets with low traffic volumes designed for vehicle speeds between 20 and 30 km/hr, with an ultimate maximum of 40 km/hr.

An effective shared street:

  • Provides continuity to other infrastructure (usually bike lanes)
  • Indicates preferred routes through high traffic corridors 
  • Includes measures to reduce vehicle speed or volume 

To ensure low speed, traffic calming measures and horizontal signage should be provided to warn drivers about the presence of cyclists.

Fig. 1 | Shared cycle streets on low speed, low traffic volume streets. Photo by theplanner.co.uk.
Fig. 2 | A shared cycle street, bike boulevard design with road markings and traffic calming measures. Graphic by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable & Cities.
Fig. 3 | Design principles. Graphic by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.