Part of: Design Principles of Cycling [Draft Version]

Principle 4: How to Design Intersections and Access Points?


Evidence shows that the crash rate for cyclists is six to nine times as high as it is for car users (Bjornskau 1993). The risk may be even higher in developing countries due to underreporting.

Evidence also shows that through better street design, bicycle injuries and crashes can be greatly reduced. While protected bike lanes can improve safety between junctions, paying special attention to junction design is crucial for real gains in safety and ultimately, a more successful cycling system.

A safer intersection for cyclists may include the following elements:

  • Better visibility between cyclists and vehicle drivers to reduce risk of turning conflicts
  • Proper markings and cycle signals 
  • Two stage turns for cyclists
  • Bike boxes / advanced stop lines
  • Speed reduction measures 
  • Simultaneous green phases for cyclists