Part of: Financing Sustainable Urban Development: An Introduction

Building efficiency: Example of a sustainable urban project


In Brazil, the capital city of Rio de Janeiro has combined a green building certification scheme with tax incentives. Photo by Mariana Gil/Flickr

Rio de Janeiro set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 (USGBC & C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group 2015). In 2012, the city adopted the Qualiverde Program, a certification program that incentivizes green building projects. New commercial and multifamily residential buildings that implement sustainability measures and achieve Qualiverde certification can receive tax benefits. Qualiverde offers a flexible array of sustainability measures that must add up to 70 points for certification. Projects that receive 100 points are awarded Qualiverde Total certification (WRI 2016, p.81). Certified projects may be eligible for tax incentives, property tax reductions, or exemptions from certain local building regulations.

Qualiverde certifies water management, energy efficiency, and thermal performance aspects of a project.