Equitable Transportation and Accessible Neighborhoods
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This workshop is first in a four-part series highlighting the importance of road safety, in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) projects, through the Five-Step process and Safe System approach.
This session introduces the need for road safety in high density areas, such as a TOD, including the requirement for safe access to mass transit stations using the principles of Safe System. This invitation-only session also includes a virtual interactive ‘role-playing’ activity. This engaging interaction will help in identifying plausible situations, and the role of different stakeholders, in determining safe access to a station — based on WRI India’s Safe Access to Mass Transit toolkit.
Know more about the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) here: bit.ly/GlobalRoadSafetyFacility
This webinar is part of WRI India’s engagement with the World Bank on “Integration of Road Safety Considerations in Transit-Oriented Development Projects”, that has been prepared with funding from UK AID, through the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF).
This resource is part of a suite of learning products linked with the following publication.
This note has been prepared by WRI India as part of the assignment: “Integration of Road Safety Considerations in Transit-Oriented Development Projects” for the World Bank with funding from UK AID, through the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF).