Climate Finance for Transportation Toolkit (Course and Catalogue)
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The second technical session of the Air Quality Community of Practice took place this Tuesday, April 5, 2022, via Zoom Webinar. It was moderated by Ana Cecilia Perales, WRI Mexico Air Quality Coordinator, and the objective was to share with the community what the differences are, in terms of quality and assurance of air quality data, between the air quality monitoring networks. reference and hyperlocal measurement networks with the use of microsensors (low-cost sensors) and what are the accreditation systems (AC/CC) of reference networks.
Armando Retama, Air Quality expert
Deo Okure, Air Quality Scientist & Programme Manager of AIRQO
Olivia Rivera Hernández, Air Quality director. Ministry of Environment – Mexico City
Freddy Grajales, Technical specialist at the Environmental Modeling and Information Center Ministry of Environment – Bogota City
Juan Manuel Pérez Guzmán, Performance Indicators Analyst, Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development – Guanajuato State
Claudia Bárcenas, Consultant of the company Environmental Services Integral Consulting and Climate Change, S.C.