Equitable Transportation and Accessible Neighborhoods
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Operationalization of TOD typically spans many years, requiring significant capital investment. This can be burdensome on public coffers, often without definitive returns until the project has been completed and in use. So, financing is one of the most critical elements for successful implementation of TOD, necessitating that we identify newer, innovative revenue-generating strategies.
This webinar will give participants a better understanding of financial terminology and discuss in detail the components of TOD financing, how Land Value Capture is a key ingredient for successful TOD implementation and various value capture mechanisms.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
Prerna Mehta, Urban Development Lead, WRI India
Prerna has nearly 13 years of experience in the fields of research, project management, urban planning, real estate, architecture and academics. She works on projects related to transit oriented development (TOD), Land Value Capture, safe access to mass transit, Neighbourhood Improvement Plans, Raahgiri initiative, developing toolkits, informing policy, informing design approach of large developments for adopting sustainable planning, and capacity building. Prerna has a Master’s degree in Planning (Housing) from School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, India; a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Nagpur University, India and a diploma in the Principles and Practices of Real Estate from Indian Institute of Real Estate, Pune, India.